═══ 1. Registration Terms ═══ Vocabulary Modern is a shareware program which you can try for evaluation purposes only. Though the program is fully functional, it contains only a subset of the entire database of words. (Only words between abase and antecede are included.) If you register the program, you will receive the entire database of words and this message will not appear. For information on registering Vocabulary Modern see the file ORDER.FRM. You are encouraged to find the latest product and pricing infomation at the following web site: http://www.mcs.net/~bvonmoss/vomod/welcome.html Contact the author at the following internet email address: bvonmoss@Mcs.Net Vocabulary Modern for OS/2 version 1.03, Copyright (c) 1997 Robert VonMoss. All Rights reserved. All rights not expressly licensed to the user are reserved to the developer.